Crunch time for Newcastle fans desperate to see return of human touch | Daniel Taylor

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The fact the protest scheduled for the Wolves game was postponed because it could ‘jeopardise the potential sale’ by Mike Ashley shows how much Newcastle supporters want change

Apologies if this may sound terribly cynical, but when Mike Ashley announced that he was closing in on a deal to sell Newcastle United, possibly even severing his ties before the end of the month, it wasn’t easy knowing whether to take it at face value bearing in mind his track record for being – and I will couch this as politely as possible – slightly careless with the truth.

Ashley does, after all, have previous when it comes to blurring the facts for his own means and, by his own admission, there have been times in the past when the club’s idea of PR – spin, make-believe, call it what you will – has involved saying whatever they believe supporters want to hear. Newcastle’s fans have been here before. More times, in fact, than they would probably wish to remember since they started longing for the end of the Ashley era. Or, perhaps more accurately in this case, the end of an error.

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Written by Daniel Taylor
This news first appeared on under the title “Crunch time for Newcastle fans desperate to see return of human touch | Daniel Taylor”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.