County cricket talking points: Somerset set sights on Lord’s final

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Somerset have never won the County Championship but they are the team to beat in the Bob Willis Trophy

By Gary Naylor for the 99.94 Cricket Blog

Somerset, six points clear at the top of the Central Group, prospered having rustled up a storm of their own to win in quick time. George Bartlett and the Toms, Lammonby and Abell, scored undefeated tons, but the tempest came in the form of Craig Overton (nine for 51) and Josh Davey (seven for 46), who blew Gloucestershire away for 76 and 70 in just 73.5 overs. To collapse in both innings looks less like misfortune and more like carelessness, something that counties with little or nothing to play for in the final round of matches must guard against if the integrity of the competition is to be maintained.

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Written by Gary Naylor
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County cricket talking points: Somerset set sights on Lord’s final

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