Charles Leclerc says Sebastian Vettel knows he was in the wrong for F1 crash

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Ferrari’s Charles Leclerc has made it clear he believed his teammate Sebastian Vettel should not have collided with him at the Brazilian Grand Prix. The incident took them both out and while Leclerc accepted he was also at fault he pointedly noted that Vettel knew he had made the move that led to the crash.

The drivers were vying for position at Interlagos when Vettel went to pass his teammate. Having drawn just ahead he moved to the left, squeezing Leclerc’s line, who did not give ground and they touched, sustaining damage that eliminated both Ferraris.

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Written by Giles Richards
This news first appeared on under the title “Charles Leclerc says Sebastian Vettel knows he was in the wrong for F1 crash”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.