Champions Cup could be downsized to protect player welfare

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• Organisers seeking commitment to tournament beyond 2022
• Television and sponsorship deals expire in three years’ time

Crucial talks on the future of European club rugby are about to commence with Heineken Champions Cup organisers seeking assurances that all parties are fully committed to the tournament beyond 2022. The Guardian understands a range of related issues will also be discussed, including cutting the length of the tournament to assist player welfare.

Against a backdrop of uncertain economic forecasts, the recent sizeable private equity investment in English club rugby and the assorted different priorities of unions across Europe, all stakeholders will be asked to confirm their desire to remain in the tournament prior to June 2020 when, technically, a participant has the right to give two years’ notice should it wish to leave.

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Written by Robert Kitson
This news first appeared on under the title “Champions Cup could be downsized to protect player welfare”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.