Arsène Wenger: ‘I haven’t emptied my desk and in a way I am still in shock’

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In his first major interview since leaving Arsenal the manager discusses his future, not being consulted over his successor and whether Mikel Arteta has the qualities for the job

Arsène Wenger is finishing his breakfast in the Paris hotel where he has been coming for years and where the staff would not dream of addressing him in any other way than Monsieur Wenger, pronounced in hushed tones that convey the respect in which this grand man of world football is held in his native land.

Dressed in slacks and an open-neck dark blue shirt, the man we must now refer to as the former Arsenal manager has treated himself to a mini pain aux raisins and, having finished his tea (no milk, no sugar), moved on to an espresso. In a sign that he is, perhaps, starting to let himself go just a tiny little bit, he continues spreading raspberry jam on a slice of bread (no butter) as we prepare to look back over his 22 years running one of the world’s top clubs.

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Written by Darren Tulett in Paris
This news first appeared on under the title “Arsène Wenger: ‘I haven’t emptied my desk and in a way I am still in shock’”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.