Apocalypse now: City wrangle shows the wealthiest owners could kill football | Jonathan Wilson

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Legal battle between Manchester City and the Premier League highlights the game’s existential crisis – is it too late to save it?

Don’t look up! As the families of Westeros squabble, the undead gather beyond the Wall. As senior monks jockey to be the new abbot, viking longboats mass on the horizon. As the left bicker interminably over infinitesimal doctrinal differences, right-leaning billionaire tech-bros fund the march of quasi-fascistic populism.

The problem with existential threats, from the climate crisis to Conquistadors to Covid, is that they always seem distant, somehow unreal. People are always predicting the end of the world, which makes it easy to dismiss the doom-mongers. When we’ve had so many warnings of the apocalypse, why should anybody listen now? But some day one of those prophets is going to be right. Nothing is eternal.

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Written by Jonathan Wilson
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/football/2024/oct/12/manchester-city-legal-wrangle-premier-league-wealthiest-owners-could-kill-football under the title “Apocalypse now: City wrangle shows the wealthiest owners could kill football | Jonathan Wilson”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.