Anti-doping rift deepens as agencies turn on Wada over Russia ‘compromise’

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• UK and US agencies among those furious with Wada decision
• It sends ‘a message to the world that doping is tolerated’

The civil war in global anti-doping has intensified further after the World Anti-Doping Agency was accused by 13 major anti-doping agencies – including the UK and US – of “moving the goalposts” and “sending a message to the world that doping is tolerated” over its willingness to strike a deal with Russia.

In an extraordinary attack the 13 agencies also said they were “dismayed” by Wada’s behaviour. They further insisted that Wada must postpone Thursday’s decision to reinstate the Russian Anti-Doping Agency because the Russians had not met Wada’s open roadmap to return.

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Written by Sean Ingle
This news first appeared on under the title “Anti-doping rift deepens as agencies turn on Wada over Russia ‘compromise’”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.