A Deadly Ascent: life and death on Mount Everest

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In 1953 the world stood in awe when Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay conquered Mount Everest. Their feat inspired generations of climbers to tackle the mountain. 
But in 2019, when pictures emerged on social media showing climbers jammed together queuing to reach the summit, there was an outcry.
The climbing season in 2019 was one of the deadliest ever, with eleven climbers losing their lives on Everest. 
In this gripping program, those on the mountain recount the dramatic events that unfolded on the world’s highest peak.

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This news first appeared on https://www.abc.net.au/4corners/a-deadly-ascent:-life-and-death-on-mount-everest/13446854 under the title “A Deadly Ascent: life and death on Mount Everest”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.