‘It doesn’t make any sense’: new twist in mystery of Mount Everest and the British explorers’ missing bodies

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A hundred years ago, George Mallory and Andrew Irvine set off to conquer the summit. Mallory’s body was later discovered, but now the remains of both are nowhere to be found. Who moved them?

“It will be a great adventure,” George Mallory wrote to his mother before leaving for the summit of Everest a century ago this week.

His disappearance, along with his climbing partner Andrew Irvine, has become one of the most alluring mysteries in the history of exploration. A final, tantalising glimpse of the pair through mist not far from the summit has inspired successive generations of historians, authors and film-makers with competing theories on a single question: did they reach the top?

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Written by Ed Douglas
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/jun/01/it-doesnt-make-any-sense-new-twist-in-mystery-of-mount-everest-and-the-british-explorers-missing-bodies under the title “‘It doesn’t make any sense’: new twist in mystery of Mount Everest and the British explorers’ missing bodies”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.