Helen Glover: ‘People write about you as a different breed – that goes to another level as a mum’

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Double Olympic champion is ‘super-chilled’ despite juggling rowing with parenting as she eyes another medal in Paris

It’s 1pm on a Wednesday afternoon, and Helen Glover has just wrapped up training for the day. This is the one half-day in her working week, which runs from half-six on Monday morning till half-two on Saturday afternoon, but she still needs to pick up the kids at three, just as she does every school day, so these next couple of hours are the only ones she has to herself, or to do much of anything else. In the circumstances, I feel a little guilty about using them for this interview when she would, presumably, rather be having a quiet cup of tea or catching up on her sleep. Glover, 37, tells me she’s used to it.

It has been a year since Glover announced she was coming out of retirement, again, to compete at the Paris Olympics this summer. It’s all a little different this time. In 2012, 2016 and 2020 she was competing in the women’s pair, but in 2024 she will be the senior member of the women’s four. She says it has been refreshing working with a new crew and a new coach. They’re coming along well, and won silver at the European championships last May, and bronze at the world championships in September, although Glover admits they will need to “step-up again” if they’re going to win a medal at the Olympics this summer.

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Written by Andy Bull
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2024/mar/28/helen-glover-rowing-parenting-paris-olympics under the title “Helen Glover: ‘People write about you as a different breed – that goes to another level as a mum’”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.