How Scotland have cast Calcutta Cup inferiority complex to the winds

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Finn Russell tries to downplay the intensity but the visitors have already turned around their fortunes against England

At one point in his eve-of-match media conference, Finn Russell referred to Saturday’s Calcutta Cup clash with England as “just another game and another chance to get a victory”.

If it was an attempt by Scotland’s fly-half and co-captain to downplay expectations around the intensity of the occasion, he rather undermined the illusion moments later when observing that the hosts needed to put 153 years of history and rivalry to one side. “We just need to get focused on this game,” he said. “It’s different to all of them.” Quite.

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Written by Bryn Palmer
This news first appeared on under the title “How Scotland have cast Calcutta Cup inferiority complex to the winds”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.