English football has no plans for forfeits over racist abuse despite Infantino plea

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  • Fifa chief wants automatic defeat for teams with abusive fans
  • Premier League, EFL and FA to stick with three-stage protocol

English football has no plans to upgrade protocols dealing with ­racist abuse, despite the Fifa ­president, Gianni Infantino, calling for an automatic forfeit of games by teams whose fans cause an abandonment with racist behaviour.

Individual competitions have the right to decide what steps they want to take in the event of an abandonment. The internationally adopted ­process is to reschedule matches and it is thought unlikely the Premier League, ­English Football League or Football Association would change that ­without consensus in the ­English game.

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Written by Paul MacInnes
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/football/2024/jan/22/english-football-has-no-plans-for-forfeits-over-racist-abuse-despite-infantino-plea under the title “English football has no plans for forfeits over racist abuse despite Infantino plea”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.