Essex players faced racist abuse and discrimination, report finds

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  • Abuse seen as ‘entirely normalised and tolerated behaviour’
  • Essex dealing with process where sanctions may be imposed

An independent report into racist language and behaviour at Essex has upheld a string of allegations, including the use of the nickname “curry muncher” for two players of South Asian heritage and the repeated taunting of a black player with a banana.

Commissioned by the club in late 2021, and covering a period from the mid-1990s to 2013, the report by Katharine Newton KC paints a grim picture of the dressing room culture at Chelmsford in which racist slurs were normalised as “banter”. Minority ethnic players, the report concluded, were “too scared to speak up” for fear of damaging their careers.

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Written by Ali Martin
This news first appeared on under the title “Essex players faced racist abuse and discrimination, report finds”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.