New England starts here but only once World Cup lessons have been learned

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At the end of a campaign that started badly and improved only mildly once semi‑final hopes evaporated, Rob Key returned to India to count his weary England players back on to the plane. Before doing so came a dose of honesty about the problems faced.

In fact, the England men’s team director was practically back in his old commentary role at the team hotel in Kolkata, running the rule over the latest omnishambles in his Stan Smith trainers. The difference here being Key’s own work was under the spotlight. But – in contrast to Matthew Mott, who declined the same opportunity the night before – he was at least open enough to flag his own shortcomings and the lessons learned.

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Written by Ali Martin in Kolkata
This news first appeared on under the title “New England starts here but only once World Cup lessons have been learned”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.