Vingegaard earns emotional Vuelta stage win for ‘best friend’ Van Hooydonck

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  • Jumbo-Visma’s Vingegaard dedicates stage 16 win to teammate
  • Nathan van Hooydonck recovering after car crash in Belgium

Jonas Vingegaard pulled clear on the uphill finish to win stage 16 on an emotional day at the Vuelta a España.

Vingegaard dedicated his victory to “best friend” and teammate Nathan van Hooydonck, who was injured in a car crash in Belgium on Tuesday. A later Jumbo-Visma statement said that Van Hooydonck’s condition was “not critical” in hospital and he had not suffered serious injuries.

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Written by Reuters and Guardian sport
This news first appeared on under the title “Vingegaard earns emotional Vuelta stage win for ‘best friend’ Van Hooydonck”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.