Lord’s and the pitches beyond show us English cricket contains multitudes | Andy Bull

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The serious and significant failings of the sport and its complicated history mean that all sides are needed to fix it

“Jeremy! Jeremy!” Handkerchiefs folded in top pockets, tan jackets and slacks, panama hats with egg-and-bacon straps. “Good to see you! I thought you might be here. Are you sitting up top?” Chateau D’Esclans, 2021, £47.50 a bottle. “No, Marks and Sparks, good, aren’t they?” Candy cane blazers, red chinos, pink cheeks. “But I had had a drink or two.” A formal standard of dress applies in the pavilion on all match days. You can only buy one if you have membership, same with a blazer. Footwear not appropriate to a formal setting includes flip flops, strapless sandals, branded/leisure trainers, canvas shoes, walking shoes/boots and running shoes.

Lord’s, of course, day one of the Test.

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Written by Andy Bull at Lord’s
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/sport/blog/2023/jun/28/english-cricket-multitudes-lords-icec-report under the title “Lord’s and the pitches beyond show us English cricket contains multitudes | Andy Bull”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.