Craig Brown was revered throughout a game he knew better than most | Ewan Murray

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The last manager to take Scotland to a World Cup, who has died aged 82, moved with times and never lost his touch

The phrase was as common as it was needless. “I’m sorry, I don’t want to keep you back from anything …” Craig Brown never was holding this or any other journalist away from something more important than the extended insight being offered into football matters of the 1960s, 2000s or anywhere else in between.

Brown did not appreciate his age being a matter of public discussion but his ability to so sharply assess the game and its characters into his 80s was genuinely remarkable. He was unfailingly helpful to the media and unfailingly apologetic if one landed upon that ultra-rare thing; a topic he was not quite sure about.

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Written by Ewan Murray
This news first appeared on under the title “Craig Brown was revered throughout a game he knew better than most | Ewan Murray”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.