Cristiano Ronaldo hero worship does not mask Manchester United’s flaws | Jonathan Wilson

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Returning star gave fans their money’s worth in 4-1 win over Newcastle but club would have been wiser investing in midfield

They had come to celebrate Cristiano Ronaldo and they got what they had come for: not one, but two opportunities to shout “Si!” as he celebrated goals with that characteristic spread of the arms and thrust of the groin, a sort of macho version of Lionel Blair indicating he’s miming the title of a song. Everything else, for the moment, could take a back seat: the king has returned.

Related: Cristiano Ronaldo makes dream return as Manchester United rout Newcastle

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Written by Jonathan Wilson at Old Trafford
This news first appeared on under the title “Cristiano Ronaldo hero worship does not mask Manchester United’s flaws | Jonathan Wilson”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.