Enable’s Arc de Triomphe hat-trick bid boosted after shock Love withdrawal

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  • Second favourite taken out of race after heavy rain
  • Oaks winner out of race due to softening ground in Paris

Enable’s path towards a historic third victory in the Prix de l’Arc de Triomphe on Sunday looks significantly easier following the news that Love, her main rival in the betting since her win in the Oaks at Epsom, has been withdrawn from the race due to softening ground in Paris.

Aidan O’Brien, Love’s trainer, scratched the dual Classic winner on Thursday morning, a few minutes before the draw for stall positions in Sunday’s race. She replaced Enable as the favourite for the Arc in early July at around 5-2 and maintained her position at the head of the market until earlier this week, when she drifted out to 7-2 as heavy rain arrived at Longchamp.

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Written by Greg Wood
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2020/oct/01/enable-bid-for-prix-de-larc-de-triomphe-hat-trick-gets-boost-after-love-pulled-out-horse-racing under the title “

Enable’s Arc de Triomphe hat-trick bid boosted after shock Love withdrawal

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