Mike Gordon: the quiet man who makes FSG’s Liverpool vision a reality

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The FSG president has overseen crucial decisions involving the Liverpool team, infrastructure and fans, and shown he learns from mistakes

The crisis enveloping Liverpool in October 2010 ensured Mike Gordon arrived at the club unnoticed and unheralded. That will have suited the low-profile director just fine. A decade on, and at the moment of Liverpool’s title triumph, he was kept in the background again by UK quarantine rules that prevented the club’s Boston-based owners from witnessing in person the release of 30 years’ pent-up frustration. Not so fine.

The Fenway Sports Group president is fixed behind the scenes at Liverpool, seemingly by circumstance as much as choice, but few have exerted greater influence in recent times than the man whose appointment was confirmed by Companies House 24 hours before irate fans confronted Roy Hodgson following a 2-0 defeat at Stoke.

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Written by Andy Hunter
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/football/2020/jun/27/mike-gordon-fsg-liverpool-vision-a-reality under the title “

Mike Gordon: the quiet man who makes FSG’s Liverpool vision a reality

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