Chris Froome’s climb and punishment as Geraint Thomas rises in Sky | Jeremy Whittle

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The Tour de France leadership dilemma at Team Sky was apparently resolved at Saint-Lary-Soulan as Chris Froome lost more time to his teammate Geraint Thomas

At the top of the highest climb in this year’s Tour de France Chris Froome’s wobble made Geraint Thomas’s day. From the Pyrenees to Paris there should be no more rivalry at Team Sky, no more leadership puzzles for the concluding days in this race.

“Obviously I didn’t want him to have a bad day, like he did,” Thomas said after watching Froome struggle. “It just gave me confidence, that someone of his stature was struggling.”

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Written by Jeremy Whittle in Saint-Lary-Soulan
This news first appeared on under the title “Chris Froome’s climb and punishment as Geraint Thomas rises in Sky | Jeremy Whittle”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.