Manchester United’s setup shines as seniors help locked-down youngsters | Tanya Aldred

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Club’s compassionate approach recognises that lockdown life ‘leaves a big hole’ for children ripped from their usual routines

Last Friday I had a good old-fashioned nosy at Ryan Giggs’s kitchen, close enough to check out his fancy light fittings – if only virtually. Like much of the past month, it was a surreal experience, this one conjured up by the youth development team at Manchester United.

When, one Saturday morning in 2014, a man in a padded jacket slid along the touchline to hand me his number on a scrap of paper, I looked at him blankly. He said he was a scout for United and would like to get my son down to the development centre to take a closer look. I was pretty dubious – our little boy was only five.

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Written by Tanya Aldred
This news first appeared on under the title “

Manchester United’s setup shines as seniors help locked-down youngsters | Tanya Aldred

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