Wigan’s Zak Hardaker puts bad times in the past and targets World Cup role

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Full-back is rejuvenated at Wigan after ban and arrest had put career in doubt having found happiness away from rugby

Anyone who has seen Zak Hardaker perform during the opening month of the new Super League season will know there is a swagger to his game, and a smile on his face. Hardaker’s Wigan side top the embryonic table and his early form was rewarded this past week with a return to the England fold – but crucially for the 28-year-old there is a smile on his face away from rugby, too.

Barely a year has passed since Hardaker returned to rugby league promising he had changed for the better following a period of his life that left many suspecting his career in professional sport was over. A failed drugs test resulted in a 14-month ban then he was arrested for drink-driving in late 2018 as he was preparing to make his comeback.

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Written by Aaron Bower
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2020/mar/07/wigan-zak-hardaker-world-cup-england under the title “Wigan’s Zak Hardaker puts bad times in the past and targets World Cup role”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.