France v Tonga: Rugby World Cup 2019 – live!

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WOW! Tonga attack down the right, and a brilliant kick by Cooper Vuna into the 22 bounces behind Medard. The French full-back can’t deal with it, it sits up nicely for the No 13 Malietoa Hingano, who grabs it, smashes through Medard’s desperate tackle and scores. Never let a rugby ball bounce, that is my motto. The try is converted after Tonga’s riotous celebrations in the in-goal area. Can they pull off a shock? France are really in a game now!

45 min: France open side Charles Ollivon is over for a try, but there was a forward pass, and it won’t count. The French had a line-out on halfway and pulled off a nice training ground move with Ollivon and Chat exchanging quick passes at the front of the line-out. That would surely have put the match to bed.

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Written by Luke McLaughlin
This news first appeared on under the title “France v Tonga: Rugby World Cup 2019 – live!”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.