Jamie George try caps stirring comeback as Saracens retain their title

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Saracens retained the Premiership title and recorded the league and Champions Cup double for the second time since the last World Cup after overcoming an 11-point deficit in the final quarter. They were 10 points down against Leinster in Newcastle last month but this comeback was even more notable because Exeter had been at the very least their match, lacking only the experience of regularly winning on the big occasion.

There was no cagey start to the final. Exeter scored a try after a mere 26 seconds: George Kruis was unable to control the kick-off, deflecting the ball behind him and out of the reach of Alex Lozowski and Ben Spencer. Alex Cuthbert fell on it and two drives later Nic White forced his way over.

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Written by Paul Rees at Twickenham
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2019/jun/01/exeter-saracens-premiership-play-off-final-match-report under the title “Jamie George try caps stirring comeback as Saracens retain their title”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.