England v South Africa: first women’s ODI – live!

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34th over: England 97-7 (Brunt 18, Shrubsole 7) Right, van Niekerk is now over the wicket. When she gets on strike, Brunt plays a solid sweep behind square, collected by the sweeper after a couple are added. She tries it again but doens’t beat the fielder on the circle at the 45. The veteran right-hander done the tough yards, now 48 balls into her innings, but has to take full advantage now and bat for the majority of the remaining overs.

33rd over: England 93-7 (Brunt 16, Shrubsole 6) Khaka’s back with three England wickets on the shelf, so notionally there is a 6fa sitting there for her. Not this over, though. “A lot of teams can get from 90-7 to 170,” observes Charlotte Edwards. “This is where you have to be ruthless as a fielding captain.” As she says that, Shrubsole clips a lovely shot through midwicket for three. Would have been four if not for an excellent dive from Tryon. “It’s a good sign for England,” Lottie continues. “If they can get to 160 they are definitely in this game.” Interesting.

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Written by Adam Collins (now) and Rob Smyth (later)
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/sport/live/2018/jun/09/england-v-south-africa-first-womens-odi-live under the title “

England v South Africa: first women’s ODI – live!

“. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.