Iker Casillas recovering in hospital after suffering heart attack

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• Porto’s former Spain international taken from training
• 37-year-old goalkeeper is stable with problem ‘resolved’

Spain’s World Cup winning captain Iker Casillas, 37, suffered a heart attack while training with his team, Porto, on Wednesday and was taken to hospital, the Portuguese club said in a statement, adding that the goalkeeper’s life was not in danger.

“Iker Casillas suffered an acute heart attack during this Wednesday’s training session,” Porto said in a statement on their official website.

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Written by Reuters
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/football/2019/may/01/iker-casillas-heart-attack-recovering-hospital-porto under the title “Iker Casillas recovering in hospital after suffering heart attack”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.