Play this simple design game to test your UI knowledge

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Can’t Unsee is a web-based game that presents two choices of iOS interface designs, and asks the user a simple question: Which one is more correct? There are three rounds that ramp up in difficulty, asking you to pick between two mock-ups presented side by side that start out with design choices that seem obviously wrong, but then escalate to images that are nearly indistinguishable. Created by software engineer Alex Kotliarskyi with product designer Amanda Hum, it’s a game of “spot the differences,” but only one of the choices is the right one.

Of course, what makes something good is subjective, but most of the answers are based on universally accepted design traits like even spacing between text blocks and consistent capitalization….

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Written by Dami Lee
This news first appeared on under the title “Play this simple design game to test your UI knowledge”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.