Gareth Southgate sticks to his guns with squad it’s hard to argue with

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John Stones may count himself fortunate to be in England’s World Cup 23 but the manager has largely remained true to principles he set out just after his appointment

A video has been doing the rounds in the last couple of days showing the moment when Fagner, a defender for Corinthians, is waiting to discover whether he has been named in Brazil’s squad for the World Cup. It is lovely to see. Fagner is with his family – lots of family, mostly wearing that famous yellow kit – but standing apart, listening to the names being announced, one by one, on television. If he looks nervous it is understandable bearing in mind his whole career, at the age of 28, has brought him only four caps. He has clearly not had any advance warning. And then, finally, it is his name read out and, amid the screams and the hugs, we see what it means for a footballer to be selected for this tournament.

Festa na casa do lateral direito Fagner… CONVOCADO PARA A SELEÇÃO BRASILEIRA!

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Written by Daniel Taylor
This news first appeared on under the title “Gareth Southgate sticks to his guns with squad it’s hard to argue with”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.