Ascot violence overshadows Hayley Turner’s Victoria Cup victory

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• Fighting again breaks out at one of Britain’s premier racetracks
• Turner guides Ripp Orf to a 20-1 success in Ascot’s Victoria Cup

For the second consecutive Saturday, fighting broke out at one of Britain’s premier racetracks. An Ascot official confirmed that two groups of men had engaged in a fight inside the main grandstand after the final race. The incident, which was also flagged up on social media by onlookers, followed a week after a 50-person fight at Goodwood that resulted in three people being taken to hospital.

Britain’s racecourses are likely to come under unprecedented pressure to show they are taking the subject of antisocial behaviour seriously, with some concerned a reckless pursuit of profit through sales of alcohol is causing a serious problem for the sport.

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Written by Chris Cook
This news first appeared on under the title “Ascot violence overshadows Hayley Turner’s Victoria Cup victory”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.