Confident Alex De Minaur unruffled by prospect of facing Rafael Nadal again | Simon Cambers

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The 19-year-old is focused on his own game rather than the ‘experience’ of playing Nadal

The first time Alex de Minaur played Rafael Nadal, at Wimbledon last summer, he was walloped in straight sets. “It was a surreal experience, words can’t really describe it,” the 19-year-old said. “You often get told what to expect and what to do in these situations but you’ve got to live it for yourself to actually realise the magnitude of the occasion. It was incredible. I had to experience that for myself, I believe next time round I’ll be used to it and hopefully it will be different.”

De Minaur speaks with the maturity of someone who has been around the main tour a lot longer than just over a year. At a time when some of Australia’s top players seem to be more concerned with in-fighting, his down to earth attitude is a throwback to years gone by in Australian tennis.

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Written by Simon Cambers at Melbourne Park
This news first appeared on under the title “Confident Alex De Minaur unruffled by prospect of facing Rafael Nadal again | Simon Cambers”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.