Free Wi-Fi in Pokhara

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Pokhara’s Lekhnath Metropolitan City has made a free Wi-Fi internet zone in two places of Pokhara.

Manoj Bahadur JC, Mayor of Metropolitan Municipality, informed that at the beginning, Pokhara Airport and western regional hospital were organized for free WiFi from May.

In the first phase, we will start free Wi-Fi in Pokhara Airport and regional hospitals for testing, “Mayor GC said.” After starting the results of two places, we will start service at Shishuwa Hospital and Mitri Hospital. ”

The Second Nagar Sabha of Pokhara Metropolitan Municipality has passed 17 laws. Beginning on Monday, the law has begun on 17th March after the discussion started on Monday. All the 18 laws passed in the city assembly were passed apart from the policy of policy.

Metropolitan Agricultural Act, Metropolitan Agricultural Marketing Promotion Act, Metropolitan Cooperative Act, Women’s Program, Sub-Program, Women’s Program, Building Standards Directory, Employee Management Act, Health Policy, Public Private Partnership Policy and AAF.

The Municipal Assembly has passed the guidelines of Education Monitoring, Planning Commission formation procedures, legislative procedure, waste management administration, advertising policy and directories, judicial committee bill, market monitoring from municipalities.