Mario Ledesma has one eye on World Cup as coach bloods new Pumas | Andy Bull

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There is plenty at stake for Argentina as they prepare to face the Barbarians at Twickenham

Mario Ledesma has made 10 changes to his Argentina team for their match against the Barbarians at Twickenham on Saturday. Ten months out from the World Cup the head coach is using the game as an opportunity to give some of his younger players another taste of international rugby, as he tries to increase the strength in depth of his squad before they face England and France in their pool in Japan.

Two of his team – the prop Juan Pablo Zeiss and the full-back Juan Cruz Mallia – are starting a Test for the first time and three more – the prop Mayco Vivas, the flanker Santiago Grondona and the centre Santiago Carreras – could all make their debuts off the bench.

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Written by Andy Bull
This news first appeared on under the title “Mario Ledesma has one eye on World Cup as coach bloods new Pumas | Andy Bull”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.