13 and 50: meet Britain’s young-and-old Olympic skateboard double act

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One has grey hair and the other is a teenager but both are targeting Paris 2024 with the same goal: winning medals for Britain

When not dropping in off 14-foot vertical ramps, Andy Macdonald’s side hustle involves earning pocket money as a consultant for skateboarding companies looking to crack the youth market. He is ideally suited to the role.

If ever you were to find yourself needing to know what someone like his 13-year-old British teammate, Tommy Calvert, might look for in a new skateboarding product, Macdonald is the man in the know.

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Written by Ben Bloom
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2024/jan/01/skateboarding-great-britain-andy-macdonald-tommy-calvert-olympics-paris under the title “13 and 50: meet Britain’s young-and-old Olympic skateboard double act”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.